About former
foodstuff processing

  • About former foodstuff processing

At food manufacturing level there are always unintentional and unavoidable food losses which prevent foodstuffs from reaching the human consumption market. A broken biscuit or an incorrectly shaped loaf of bread may have lost its value on the human consumption market because they don’t meet the commercial food standards, thereby literally making them “former foodstuffs”, they however still retain a significant nutritional value for animal feed purposes. Former foodstuff processors typically use biscuits, bread, breakfast cereals, chocolate bars, pasta, savoury snacks and sweets, because of their high energy content in the form of sugars, oils and starch.

  • production errors leading to damaged or intermediate products
  • production errors leading to incorrect shaping, colouring, flavouring or labelling of products
  • surpluses resulting from seasonal festivities and sports events (Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, World Cup Football)
  • expiration of internal sell-by date
  • surpluses caused by logistical challenges of daily delivery
  • surpluses caused by termination of a food product line

With respect to the highest possible valorisation of food losses at factory level, EFFPA fully supports the responsibility of food producers to consider the donation of foodstuffs to people in need first. It needs to be clear that former foodstuffs, as long they serve a purpose in animal feed, should not be considered or labelled a waste material at any stage of the supply chain. The Feed Materials Catalogue therefore also specifically stipulates that former foodstuffs are inherently different from catering waste, whose use in animal feed is prohibited in the EU. As for animal by-products, only former foodstuffs containing or deriving from milk, eggs, honey and porcine gelatine are allowed.

Former foodstuff processors are feed business operators that buy former foodstuffs from food business operators when safety and traceability can be legally guaranteed. The end-product they produce, traditionally called “biscuit meal”, is delivered to compound feed manufacturers and in some cases directly to livestock farmers.

At its production site, the former foodstuff processor structurally separates the incoming former foodstuffs into different compartments. Depending on the demanded nutritional composition of the final product, the operator accordingly processes former foodstuffs from the different compartments and removes any packaging material. The biscuit meal will eventually be used as one of the ingredients for a compound feed used by livestock farmers, usually piglets.

Former foodstuff processors play an important role by connecting the food and feed industry at food manufacturing level. They provide food producers with a consistent outlet for their inconsistent flow of food losses as well as compound feed manufacturers with non-land using energy-rich alternative to grains.

In both segments of the food chain, the former foodstuff processing sector positively contributes to the ambition to use resources in the most sustainable way. EFFPA insists on former foodstuff processors to not be referred to as food waste recyclers, as the production process is not linked to the any form of waste processing.