EFFPA 10 Year Anniversary, 19th of October 2023 in Brussels
11 October 2023
  • Public News
  • EFFPA 10 Year Anniversary, 19th of October 2023 in Brussels

PDF Programme Available Here

We are excited to announce and invite you to a significant milestone celebration – the 10th anniversary of EFFPA, the European Former Foodstuffs Processor’s Association. Your presence will make this event even more special.

Date:                   October 19th

Time:                  2:00 pm (Registration and Sandwich Lunch from 13:15)

Location:           ACE Events, Brussels 

Format:              Physical Only

The EFFPA event on the 19th of October celebrates the 10th anniversary of the association. The event will showcase the former foodstuff processing sector’s circular economy solution as a contribution to sustainable food and sustainable feed production. The event aims to underline the relevance of former foodstuff processing in pertinent files at EU level, such as food waste reduction targets, sustainable food systems, GHG emissions reduction by the European livestock sector and increased EU feed autonomy.

The event features a session on the role of former foodstuffs in sustainable food and sustainable feed production respectively, in order to address what more can be done to facilitate and stimulate the food and retail sectors to make food no longer destined for human consumption available as feed for food-producing animals, as well as boost the recognition of former foodstuffs as a key feed ingredient to foster sustainable livestock farming. The EFFPA event thereby also aims to demonstrate the strong interlinkages between ‘direct human food’ and livestock production, which are often presented as parallel production systems. 

Mark your calendar for October 19th at 2:00 PM, and join us in celebrating a decade of progress and innovation in the realm of former foodstuff processing. Together, we are paving the way for a more sustainable and circular food economy. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to celebrating with you in Brussels.