Press Release: EFFPA welcomes new member IUNGO from Poland
27 July 2023
  • Public News
  • Press Release: EFFPA welcomes new member IUNGO from Poland

Brussels, 26 July 2023

As per 1st of July 2023, EFFPA welcomes Iungo, a former foodstuff processor as a new Observer Member to its association. IUNGO was established as a result of joining forces of several companies in fields, such as, trade, transport, by-products and feed materials that is generated in the food sector. The company, involved in many sectors, also manufactures, stores and trades feed materials and compound feed. Since this year, IUNGO has started to operationalise its former foodstuff processing activities, aiming to serve customers in the compound feed manufacturing sector. IUNGO is the first EFFPA member from a country of the 2004 EU Enlargement.

EFFPA President Valentina Massa: ‘I am very pleased EFFPA is able to welcome a member from a part in Europe where there is so much potential for former foodstuff processing to contribute to food waste prevention and sustainable feed production. Through membership to EFFPA, IUNGO can learn from the experiences gained in other countries, while in turn their membership reinforces EFFPA as the representative of the European former foodstuff processing sector.’
IUNGO President Wilfried de Moor: ‘Joining the EFFPA organization is undoubtedly a milestone in the history of IUNGO. We are extremely happy that we have become part of the EFFPA organization. We hope that by working together and following the same ideas, having representatives in Brussels, we will be able to work together to prevent food waste and to use food production residues as feed materials. Thanks to the exchange of experience and meeting new partners from the industry around the world, we are sure that we will build our capital for the future, for the good of our planet.’

With IUNGO, EFFPA now has 12 members.